2012 Queensland Smart Design Awards

The Qld Smart Design Fellow Nominees ( L > R): Anne-Marie Willis, Christina Waterson, Shane Thompson, Natalie Wright and Kevin Finn. Photography Darcy Clarke.

The Queensland Smart Design Awards recognise the importance of design to business, lifestyle and innovation through the presentation of A Queensland Smart Design Fellowship and an Emerging Design Leader Award. The Queensland Smart Design Fellowship is given to an individual who has significantly contributed to developing a design culture within Queensland. Entrants may be from any industry or sector.

I personally believe that you are only as good as the people around you. It was therefore an absolute honour to be shortlisted for the Design Fellowship alongside such committed Queensland individuals. Each of the Nominees have an undeniable passion for design-led thinking and an openness to share, tempered with direct experience and intellect. The nominees were  Kevin Finn, Shane Thompson, Christina Waterson (Yes that’s me!), Anne-Marie Willis and Natalie Wright.

Architect, Shane Thompson was awarded The 2012 Queensland Smart Design Fellowship at a special event held at The State Library of Queensland on 28 June 2012. Shane is someone who I have always admired. He is a strong design advocate and talented individual with a down to earth character and relaxed way. Congratulations Shane!

Congratulations to all of the Nominees! Such a pleasure to know you!

Check out the full story at Queenslandersign and Arts Queensland.

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